The Prayer of Dahesh

Translated by Mario Henri Chakkour


O my Father and Father of the creations, have mercy upon our inherited weakness.


Strengthen our hearts so that we believe in Your power and speak of Your miracles.


Plant in our depths the seeds of love and compassion and mercy and tenderness.


Keep away from us the trials that want our perdition, and to cause us to fall
into the darkness of sins.


Train our footsteps in the road of truth and light and certainty.


Keep away from us the wicked thoughts, and do not let them draw near us.


You are the Creator of the creations and all that is in them, for Your mercy
and Your tenderness encompass all beings: known and unknown.


Have mercy upon us O GOD, and do not punish us the way we merit for then we are eternally damned.


Do not let greed seize us and then sweep us in his horrific current.


Let content conquer our souls so that we only ask for nourishment and glorify You.


Keep away from us the wicked and the scoffers at the Word of GOD; illuminate their eyes.


Purify the souls of the sinners; send them an ember from Your Divine Lights for then they submit to Your greatness.


Lift us from the horrific stumbles, and embrace all
with the fountain of Your vigilant care.


O compassionate Father!


Each who threw his trust upon You, and acted by Your commandments,

and sacrificed for the sake of Your Name, and despised his earthly desires, and repudiated the worldly, and took compassion upon the wretches, and declared
the Good Tidings of Your Miracles, and believed in Your Beloved Guiding Prophet,

for then he has happiness and Heaven, and light and glory.


Over yonder where there is light and splendor, as he will be eternal with those who are eternal,and bask in Your purifying lights, forever and evermore.




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